The hemp flower is the most valuable part of the hemp plant, containing the largest amounts of CBD and other beneficial compounds. The rest of the plant (stem, leaves) contain these compounds as well, but the amounts found there are very small. That is why many growers focus specifically on the cultivation of flowers and the extraction of CBD and other products made from hemp flowers.
As a matter of fact, focusing solely on hemp flowers requires some specifics and knowledge to grow and harvest good crops. One of the basic principles of growing hemp for flowers is to grow only female plants and be able to separate them from the male plants in time and isolate the latter. Read more about female and male hemp plants in the article „Female vs Male Hemp Plants. Or how to grow a good Hemp Crop?”
As we mentioned, the hemp bud or flower (before a certain stage of flowering) naturally produces CBD; in the bud, the highest amount of CBD is found, compared with the rest of the plant. To produce maximum CBD, the female hemp plant must be unfertilized, otherwise, the plant will focus its energy not on growing a bud but on ripening the seed, which will mean less CBD. Some cultivators grow hemp to press hemp seed oil, which also has excellent health properties. However, back to hemp buds, it is very important to understand when to harvest to get the most valuable hemp flowers.
Hemp usually begins to flower in late summer, in August. The flowering period lasts about 3-4 weeks. This time may vary slightly depending on the variety you choose. So, early fall is the time to pick hemp flowers.
After harvesting hemp buds, the following processes occur, such as drying, curing, and production, which can take several days to several weeks, depending on the available equipment.
Are you waiting for new crops? It can be expected in late September - mid-October. By subscribing to the Zenon Hemp Farm newsletter you will be the first to know!
This is a critical moment that hemp growers should not miss. The secret that experienced hemp growers know is to watch the color of the trichomes, and when they turn to amber, it's time to pick the flowers!
The trichomes are the most important as there is a whole range of beneficial compounds: terpenes (responsible for the aroma), flavonoids (responsible for the taste), and of course cannabinoids (CBD). What are trichomes and what are their types? Read more about this in the article „Where’s the super power of hemp?“
The goal of Zenon Hemp Farm is to produce the highest quality crop every year. As we focus on customers who have trusted us and buy our products year after year, we try to save as much as possible:
To preserve as many beneficial compounds as possible, hemp flower tea is harvested by hand (Yes! by hand 😊). This is a very careful job that requires attention and patience. Earlier in the article, we mentioned that the most beneficial compounds are found in the trichomes that cover the hemp plant, mainly in the hemp flowers. Therefore, when picking a hemp flower, every effort is made to damage the trichomes as little as possible, thus preserving the plant's beneficial properties.
Proper drying is the second most important process after hemp harvest. After growing a high-quality hemp plant, especially a flower, preserving its value when processing the harvest is important. We probably won't surprise you by saying that most of the properties are preserved by processing the crop at low temperatures.
The ideal plant drying temperature should be around 64 - 70 °F and 45-55% humidity to ensure even drying. Proper ventilation, constant fresh air, and minimal direct sunlight, or better yet no sunlight, are necessary. Under these conditions, buds dry in 3-5 days, and larger buds in 4 or more days. It's important to let the center of the bud dry well to avoid mold or other risks.
Finally, the dried hemp buds are packaged and travel to our customers around the world.
Hemp flower tea is easy to incorporate as a natural and well-being product into your daily diet. Just brew the tea and enjoy it, even if you don't feel any disorders or symptoms. We often start worrying about our health when we start to feel bad. However, we shouldn‘t wait for this and take care of our health now and do it constantly.
Cannabidiol (CBD) found in hemp interacts with many receptors in the body, usually CBD targets receptors in the brain and other major biological systems, thus optimizing certain body processes and functions.
Hemp flower tea is recommended if:
It's hard to believe that you can find so many benefits in a cup of tea. But it's really easy to try! Buy natural, high-quality hemp flower tea and see for yourself.