Although much has been said and written about hemp recently, many people are confused when they hear the name hemp. And usually, the first question that comes to mind is "is it legal?"
There is a wealth of information on the Internet about hemp, its uses, health, body and mind benefits, etc. These days, food gifts are fashionable and you can often find hemp products in them as well. But people who do not use hemp or hemp products in their daily life, or elsewhere in their usual environment, naturally have questions. That is why we, as hemp growers and producers of hemp tea and hemp oil, feel obligated to write about it again and again and educate our society.
This attitude has developed historically. Hemp has been known and cultivated since ancient times, due to the unique properties of this plant, as well as its wide use. But we have to admit that in addition to the well-known benefits, one of the things people notice the most is the hallucinogenic, intoxicating effects of cannabis. For this reason, hemp and its cultivation were banned for a long time. This led to a negative attitude towards the cannabis plant, often leading to the question "is it legal?"
Starting at the beginning, the first thing to say is that hemp and medical cannabis are the same cannabis plant, just different names for flowering plants in the Cannabaceae family. And the main and legally significant difference is the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. THC is one of the many chemicals found naturally in cannabis, and this ingredient is responsible for its psychoactive effects. Thus, fiber or so-called industrial hemp is hemp that has a THC below 0.3% (EU and Lithuania limit <0.2%). Meanwhile, medical cannabis, otherwise known as marijuana, contains THC over 0.3%. Medical cannabis is classified as a narcotic substance.
Where did the THC limit of <0.3% come from? Watch the video below.
It took a long time to legalize the cultivation of hemp fiber and its production. In Lithuania and throughout the EU, the cultivation of hemp has been regulated and considered legal since 2014. And production from all parts of the hemp plant, including leaves and flowers, has only been allowed since 2018. Meanwhile, the cultivation of hemp in the United States was only legalized in 2018. And still, American breeders face serious challenges. One of them is the liberalization of the cannabis trade.
Did you know that the most used search engine in the world, Google, has so far classified industrial hemp (or simply hemp) as a recreational drug, and advertising the hemp through Google Ads is still prohibited?
Each country and state has its own laws regulating the cultivation and production of hemp products. And while it is legal in many countries around the world, you should read and understand your country's laws carefully before purchasing cannabis products online and shipping them to your country. We also emphasize that you are only buying the products from reliable and publicly known sellers who can provide lab test results for THC content.
Zenon Hemp Farm is a legal grower and seller, and you can buy the highest quality hemp tea and hemp oil in our online store. See lab test results.