Hello, my name is Aivaras. We are on the Zenon Hemp Farm. Today is April 20th and it’s a great day for sowing fibrous hemp. Work usually begins in late April, when the ground is already warm and ready for seed germination. We plan to sow 40 kg of seeds per hectare.
The most important goal of the farm is quality, so that our customers can buy only the highest quality products. We are also an organic farm, so we choose our seed suppliers responsibly. These seeds were obtained from a certified farm in France.
As you’ve seen, a wonderful plant grows from tiny fibrous hemp seed, which you’ll see later in the next video. Hemp is grown until August and at the end of August we process hemp and pack hemp tea into the bags.
Today’s work is completely over. We sowed 200 kg of fibrous hemp seeds in this field. In a few weeks, we’ll meet to see how the hemp is growing, and take a walk through the fields of hemp, the many fascinating greenery and plant heights.
Click here to find more information about Zenon Hemp Farm.
Want to buy Hemp tea? Visit our online store and choose the taste you like. Hemp tea has a soothing and relaxing effect, naturally decaffeinated, making it perfect for enjoying in the evening after a day’s work. Do you feel the symptoms of insomnia? Try Hemp tea – many of our customers share feedback that their sleep has improved and become deeper.